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Attention Critical Industries (ACI), such as aviation, oil and gas, fleet management, security companies, manufacturing, need more than ever to monitor their Attention Critical Employees (ACE) to safeguard against costly incidents in which human error from attention deficit is to blame. Monitoring attention levels is expensive, can be draining on operational efficiency and often seen as intrusive. Additionally, the accuracy of monitoring, (questionnaires, procedural check ins, etc), is low – with ACEs naturally reporting high levels of attention for fear of punishment.
Atticus solves this problem by harnessing a fusion of advanced neuroscience understanding and simple digital technology. Clinical psychologists have long held assessments tools that can monitor brain function; importantly in this scenario sustained attention, focus attention and diverted attention, but these need to be conducted both face to face with a clinical psychologist using pen and paper. What is more, these assessments only return the result of someone’s attention levels at the time of taking the assessment – not taking into account changes over time, or in this case changes over a shift.
Cognifyx, a cognitive and behavioural science company, spent years taking these attention focused assessments and digitalising them, and in turn validating these digitalised versions with relevant authorities.
The result was the Atticus, (Attention and Focus), system, which enables ACIs to disseminate critical attention monitoring assessments in short, simple and operationally efficient ways to safeguard their people and their assets.

ACEs are prompted to perform a simple 120-second neuro-psychometric assessment at intervals determined by the company. The assessment measures attention and focus levels and the result, (red, yellow, green), is made available to both the ACE and the company in real time. In the event of a red score, the ACE is requested to perform an additional assessment to boost attention levels. Assessments are then disseminated throughout the duration of the shift, with all data being available to both parties. Generally, the more critical the industry, the higher the frequency of the assessments tend to be.

Health Data - Attecus uses your Health Data to better track and monitor your overall Brain Health across sleep tracking , steps and distance categories present in the HealthKit.